Sestinas have 39 lines each, with six stanzas and a three line ending. Ignoring the last three lines, each of the six stanzas use the same six words at the end of each line. This is what makes writing a sestina difficult--you have to pick six versatile words and avoid repeating the same message in each stanza! However, in each stanza, the six words are in different orders. The pattern by which the words get shuffled to produce the next stanza is the same between each stanza: the last word of the previous stanza is always the end word for the first line of the next. By the end of the poem, five shuffles later, repeating the shuffling procedure will produce the original order of the six words. Here's a picture of how it works:
Mathematicians call this reshuffling a permutation. If you've been looking closely, you might have noticed how it works for this particular permutation. To to figure out where the nth word goes, first figure out if n is in the first half or second half of the stanza. For n in the first half, the nth word will be the 2nth word in the next stanza. For n in the second half, the nth word will be in the 2*(6-n)+1th position. The paper linked to below suggests a good way to think of the permutation: as a shuffle (alternating between the first three numbers and the second three numbers) with the second group of "cards' turned upside down (so that the last word becomes the first word). This type of permutation can be generalized for any number m stanzas, but the number will only be a sestina number if after m permutations, the original order is obtained.
The picture below shows a braid pattern that represents each permutation. The black lines designate the final word ordering for each stanza. Notice how, if you wrapped the picture around on itself, the colors would connect to each other in the same order as they started (representing the order of the first stanza). For knot theorists, this means sestinas form links with six loops.
As it turns out, sestina numbers have a lot of interesting mathematical properties related to prime numbers. For instance, if s is a sestina number, then 2s+1 is a prime number! Many sestina numbers are also prime numbers, too. One method for proving an infinite number of sestina numbers exist depends on the truth of the Reimann Hypothesis, an unsolved problem in mathematics that is deeply connected to the distribution of prime numbers. Unexpectedly, sestina numbers are related to both beautiful poetry and beautiful mathematics.
Read more about sestina numbers (also called Queneau Numbers) here.
Read more about sestinas here.
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